
Establishment, Vision, Mission and Objectives

The biomedical engineering department (BME) established in 2015 including two scientific engineering branches ,medical engineering system biomechanics engineering. the main objective of department is gradate qualified engineers that be able help improving the Medicare for the  patients and then ensure healthy condition for them. and second they can professionally deal with different level of staff such as doctors ,technicias and patients. the policy of this department is to made a confident relationship with ministries and other official organization that have a common base of knowledge in the biomedical engineering area, thus help developing specific work field. the high teaching level and scientific research are also main objectives that have mainly considered by the academic and administrative staff ,in order to keep maintain the high rank of the university in these field



To prepare graduates capable of keeping pace with developments in this modern specialty (Biomedical Engineering) and applying their expertise to serve the labor market in the public or private sectors.

– The department aims to be one of the most distinguished engineering departments among Iraqi universities in preparing its students to work in state health institutions. It aims to be an active element and a distinguished link between engineering and medicine, in coordination with the Ministry of Health and international research centers, to keep up with qualitative developments in the field of biomedical engineering.



The Department of Biomedical Engineering was established in 2015 and admitted a select group of outstanding students from high school graduates with a minimum average of 95%. This is due to the importance of this type of engineering at present and the country’s need for this specialization following the tremendous development of medical devices and the wide intersection of engineering in the medical field. The multiple engineering applications in this field have become necessary at present.

The study in this department takes five years to obtain a bachelor’s degree, producing biomedical engineers who work in various fields and contribute to community building. Biomedical engineering is one of the newest engineering sciences that emerged with the development of modern medicine. The medical device has become an essential companion to the doctor in diagnosis, treatment, and patient monitoring.




1. Achieving scientific integration in the fields of engineering and medicine. The department provides a comprehensive curriculum that ensures the graduation of an engineer with medical background knowledge, enabling them to interact with various scientific levels from physicians to technical and engineering staff, and ending with the patient. 

2. Integrating engineering and medical knowledge to provide the scientific and practical background for graduates of biomedical engineering in both specialties (medical technology and biomechanics).